Emergency Dentist Houston

(713) 234-6394



Dental veneers refer to thin, custom-made shells placed on the front side of the teeth to improve the appearance of the teeth. This process is for those who want to make their damaged or discolored teeth look better to raise self-confidence or self-esteem. Dental veneers are a long-term solution to persistent cosmetic concerns.

Types of veneers:

There are two common types of veneers to go for if anyone considers the improvement in their teeth appearance.

Porcelain veneers:

Porcelain veneers are a thin, strong cap that can be placed on the sides and tops of the teeth. Some enamel needs to be removed from the teeth for attachment before placing them. The color of the porcelain veneers is the same as our natural teeth, but they can be made whiter to brighten the smile. This veneer lasts around 20 years but needs 2-3 appointments to get it done.

Resin-based composite veneers

Resin-based composite veneers are almost similar to porcelain veneers, but they require less enamel or no removal at all. This enamel is also cheaper than porcelain veneers. Placing the composite veneers is usually easier than putting the porcelain veneers. This process can be done in 1 appointment only and lasts around five years.

Dental advice to make the veneers last longer:

Along with follow-up checkups, some advice will help to protect the veneers for a more extended period.

  • Avoid biting hard objects
  • Avoid biting nails
  • To not grinding the teeth
  • Avoid chewing hard food
  • Not to open any item with teeth
  • Not to use a mouthguard


Dental Emergency! Call Us: (713) 234-6394. Any other Emergency 911.


Dental Emergency! Call Us: (713) 234-6394. Any other Emergency 911.