Emergency Dentist Houston

(713) 234-6394

Dental fillings

Dental fillings

Dental fillings refer to removing the tooth’s area to treat the cavity and filling that place afterward. Dental fillings can also treat cracked or broken teeth. This process is straightforward and straight forward that can be done in just one appointment.

Types of fillings:

There are many options of fillings along with their pros and cons. The best tooth filling material depends on what the insurance will cover, how much we are willing to spend, and other aesthetic preferences.

Ceramic filling:

The ceramic filling is tooth-colored and tends to show more minor stains over time. But it is a bit expensive, so if cost is a fact for us, we cant go for this option.


The most common metals used for dental fillings are gold and silver amalgams. Metal fillings are very sustainable and can last as long as 10-15 years.

Glass ionomer:

A glass ionomer is a mixture of glass and acrylic that releases fluoride and helps protect the teeth. The con of this type of filling is the durability which is comparably less than other fillings around five years.

Composite fillings:

These fillings are a combination of quartz and glass, which can match the color of natural teeth. Composite fillings are suitable for small to medium-size restorations and well sustainable material.

Amalgam filling:

One o0f the most researched and older material is amalgam filling. These filings are more substantial and ideal for cavity fillings. Amalgam fillings are made of a mixture of different materials and are visible when we open our mouths. As the least expensive and good durability option, it is an ideal filling type to go for.

Aftercare of filling:

Here is some advice to take care of the fillings.

  • Chewing and biting carefully
  • Avoid eating hard and sticky food
  • Take time and eat slowly
  • Try chewing with the mouth closed



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Dental Emergency! Call Us: (713) 234-6394. Any other Emergency 911.